Thursday, September 07, 2006

Summer's over so time to love fall and fall in love

But I do miss those summer times and things that I love:

The park. There was just not enough time with Neph. No beach. The park once. No pool. No sleepover.

Iced latte. Never the same when it's not summer or spring.

The Ocean or a pool. I wore my bathing exactly twice. Once in Rehoboth, where I got at least an hour in the Ocean, followed by at least an hour of pain from the stings of Jellyfish lice. Yeah baby...Once at the pool at the gym for half an hour of time with Alison. JUST NOT ENOUGH.

Pine Street. Not there once when the air conditioner was on. I miss 4XXX PS.

Jake and Harry. I love when they sprawl out on the hardwood floors. Harry especially. When I wake up in the middle of the night, makes me O-So-Happy to see him spread out staying cool.


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